Meaning of (बिद्दत) biddata in english

As noun : malfunction
failure Ex:  For his failure at Plattsburgh breakdown Ex:  These indicate: A more detailed breakdown of these figures is available online. defect Ex:  Who has one or more bumps on the back or chest by a defect conformation trouble Ex:  It is not worth the trouble to answer him said, contempt , a man with whom one does not want to get in protest defectiveness wrong Ex:  It has had great wrong to accept this place, it's a dead-end evil Ex:  It is an evil that can not extricate wickedness mischief backbiting fault Ex:  I shall go, I find myself without fault badness harm Ex:  I do not see no great harm in that cancer Ex:  MSU scientists developed cisplatin, a leading cancer fighting drug. fallacy deficiency defect Ex:  Who has one or more bumps on the back or chest by a defect conformation flaw blame Ex:  It will take much that I blame you weakness Ex:  It has the weakness to believe anything he is told offence mistake Ex:  This mistake will not remain unpunished reflection imperfection shortcoming catch guilt agony suffering Ex:  Cyril Aldred suggested he may be suffering from Froelich's Syndrome. harassment annoyance travail purgatory discomfort hardship adversity Ex:  , to struggle with bad fortune, being in misfortune, adversity misery Ex:  It fell in an abyss of misery in an abyss of misery calamity danger Ex:  Due to the increasing danger of flanking attacks ill Ex:  Everything depends on the success it has, good or the ill success it has fire Ex:  escape the sinking, fire reverse Ex:  It also means the Action to have the analytical order following the words of a sentence that contains a reverse atrocity persecution Ex:  In the November 1938 article on the Nazi persecution of the Jews quoted above torture Ex:  Although torture was common in Europe victimization victimisation tyranny opression maltreatment plight degradation predicament Ex:  Take precautions, necessary measures to deal with this or that event predicament abjection abasement wretchedness case Ex:  In a fairly typical case
Suggested : to disturb the mental calm and contentment of worry distress agitate a shortcoming, fault, or imperfection a breaking down, wearing out, or sudden loss of ability to function efficiently, as of a machine an act or instance of failing or proving unsuccessful lack of success failure to function properly
Exampleबिद्दत का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(बिद्दत) biddata can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Feminine gender . Transliteration : biddata

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