Meaning of (बिधंसना) bidhnsana in english

As noun : extinguish
trash crash ruin Ex:  This building threatens ruin shoot knock down eat away undo hit Ex:  Castaldo was critically wounded, hit 8 times. wreck unmake loss Ex:  Mange mites are a common cause of hair loss kill Ex:  Those Umayyad troops who had broken into the square had tried to kill Martel smoke Ex:  It refers, by analogy, the Party top of a volcano, or the opening by which he throws his dish, his fire, its smoke and ashes
As verb : wreck destroy Ex:  It means, by extension, in stop selling and destroy demolish fuck up destroy Ex:  It means, by extension, in stop selling and destroy vitiate zap eat into waste eat Ex:  They are therefore not limited to living prey and can eat plants devour explode
Suggested : to reduce (an object) to useless fragments, a useless form, or remains, as by rending, burning, or dissolving injure beyond repair or renewal demolish ruin annihilate to have sexual intercourse with to destroy or ruin (a building or other structure), especially on purpose tear down raze to reduce (an object) to useless fragments, a useless form, or remains, as by rending, burning, or dissolving injure beyond repair or renewal demolish ruin annihilate any building, structure, or thing reduced to a state of ruin
Exampleबिधंसना का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(बिधंसना) bidhnsana can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including consonants matras. The word is used as Transitive Verb in hindi originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : bidh.nsanaa

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