Meaning of bhada in english

Interpreting bhada - भाडा़
As noun : carriage उ:   इस ट्रेन की भाड़ा तालिका निम्नलिखित हैं।
fare उ:   इस एकीकृत माल भाड़ा रेलवे नेटवर्क से निम्न देश जुड़ेंगे। hire Ex:  A horse hire, hire a car to passage Ex:  Madison usually lost and Hamilton usually achieved passage of his legislation
As verb : hire Ex:  Car hire
Other : hire charges freight Ex:  37,840 Coaching vehicles and 222,147 freight wagons. rent Ex:  House furnished, House where we rent rooms, apartments furnished furnace Ex:  By extension, it is said of a Blast furnace where iron ore is reduced to उ:   इस ट्रेन से यात्रा करने का भाडा भी कम तथा तथ्यपरक है। fare hire Ex:  Action hire laborers freight Ex:  Stuttgart is also a rail freight centre lade carriage rent Ex:  In terms of jurisprudence, Housing Law , Right to remain in someone else's house without paying rent rent Ex:  is also said to give a rent farm
Suggested : to engage the services of (a person or persons) for wages or other payment a payment made periodically by a tenant to a landlord in return for the use of land, a building, an apartment, an office, or other property
Exampleभाडा़ का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of bhada Antonyms of bhada

Word of the day
bhada can be used as verb. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. Transliteration : bhaaDaa

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