Meaning of bhanti in english
Interpreting bhanti - भाँति
Other : manner Ex:  Simply speaking, the term mode means the manner or way . उ: जलवायु दोआबे के अन्य भागों की भाँति है।
method Ex:  Previous to this method उ: वह भी पिता की भाँति आदर्शवादी है। mode Ex:  The backwaters traversing the state are an important mode of inland navigation. उ: चीनी की भाँति यह भी दाए से बाई ओर लिखी जाती है। kind Ex:  Even the Younger Futhark are introduced as a kind of "Viking Ogham" . उ: वह सदा की भाँति आकर घुश्मा के चरणों पर गिर पड़ा। type Ex:  "Shinny" is a popular Canadian term for an informal type of hockey उ: सब पौधे 'पिता' पौधे की भाँति ऊँचे थे। variegated Ex:  variegated tulip, lined, striped उ: सभी जातियों की लकड़ी लगभग एक ही भाँति की होती है। of different types/kinds उ: भाँति – भाँति के अस्त्र रचाये। description Ex:  It provided the state’s official description but it did not change its name. उ: इस भाँति हमेशा ताप एक निश्चित अंश पर टिका रहे।
Suggested : a number of things or persons sharing a particular characteristic, or set of characteristics, that causes them to be regarded as a group, more or less precisely defined or designated class category of a good or benevolent nature or disposition , as a person a manner of acting or doing method way a procedure, technique, or way of doing something, especially in accordance with a definite plan a way of doing, being done, or happening mode of action, occurrence, etc
Word of the day
and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Feminine gender originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :