Meaning of bhashantar in english
Interpreting bhashantar - भाषान्तर
As noun : rendering उ: उन्होने संपादन और भाषांतर भी कीऐ।
translation Ex:  The English-only translation by Radhakrishnan gives no Sanskrit उ: हिन्दी भाषांतर के लिये एक नौकर भी छावनी से अपने साथ ले आती।
Other : rendering into another language interpretation Ex:  According to an interpretation by director Darren Aronofsky interpreter Ex:  He was an interpreter in the British Army version Ex:  However, they are not the final version that Adams produced. version Ex:  The new version includes illustrations by Rod Lord translation Ex:  In 1785 Charles Wilkins published an English translation of the Bhagavad Gita
Suggested : the rendering of something into another language or into one's own from another language a particular account of some matter, as from one person or source, contrasted with some other account
Exampleभाषान्तर का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of bhashantar
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Related words :
As verb : भाषान्तर करना - interpret
Other : भाषांतर सम - भाषांतरकार - translator भाषांतरण - भाषान्तर करनेवाली - translatress भाषान्तरकार - translator
and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 8 including consonants matras.
Transliteration :