Meaning of bhag lena in english

Interpreting bhag lena - भाग लेना
As noun : pariticipate
put in for get in Ex:  Fortification besieged Works to get in front of those of the besiegers join Ex:  Olivier intended to join the Royal Air Force outing Ex:  Their service were however shortlived, after a major outing with Taylor forces. share Ex:  Both Koreas share the hangul writing system, called Chosongul in North Korea.
As verb : participate Ex:  A = did not participate in the tournament. partake Ex:  , eating his bread in the smoke roast, witness, a spectator entertainment, a pleasure which one can partake carry on Ex:  yellow ornamental Kind or amaranth that teachers carry on their shoulder dress in ceremonies
Other : to bear a portion get in on something join in Ex:  Great difficulty was to join in this great city is to enter Ex:  He then attempted to enter England contribute Ex:  HIV and malaria do contribute to each other's spread. take part Ex:  They take part in the legislative and presidential French elections sign up to contribute Ex:  This effect is far too small to contribute significantly to global warming. enter Ex:  He then attempted to enter England
Suggested : to bring in contact, connect, or bring or put together to receive or come to have possession , use, or enjoyment of to move or place (anything) so as to get it into or out of a specific location or position to take or have a part or share along with others participate (usually followed by in ) to take or have a part or share, as with others partake share (usually followed by in )
Exampleभाग लेना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of bhag lena Antonyms of bhag lena

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Usage of भाग लेना:
1. हालांकि जिस रूसी खिलाड़ी को इन खेलों में भाग लेना है, उन्हें यह साबित करना होगा कि वो डोपिंग में शामिल नहीं थेamarujala.com2. चीन के एक वरिष्ठ अधिकारी ने कहा है कि दक्षिणी चीन सागर (एससीएस) में भारतीय पोतों का नौसेना अभ्यास में भाग लेना चिंता का एक कारण हैibnlive.com3. हरियाणा में चल रहे जाट आरक्षण आंदोलन में भाग लेना नौजवानों और पूर्व सैनिकों को भारी पड़ सकता है
bhag lena can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 8 including consonants matras. Transliteration : bhaaga lenaa

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