Meaning of bhagy se in english

Interpreting bhagy se - भाग्य से
As adverb : fortunately Ex:  Accoucher fortunately
fortuitously Ex:  After his release, Winston and Julia fortuitously meet in a park. luckily Ex:  It also says a thing luckily found
Suggested : happening or produced by chance accidental having good fortune receiving good from uncertain or unexpected sources lucky
Exampleभाग्य से का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of bhagy se Antonyms of bhagy se

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Usage of भाग्य से:
1. हथेली में बड़े भाग्य से ऐसे न‌िशान होते हैंamarujala.com2. मेष : भाग्य से हर संभव सहायता मिलेगीlivehindustan.com3. भाग्य से जुड़े कार्य बनेंगेibnlive.comRelated words :
bhagy se can be used as verb or adverb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 8 including consonants matras. Transliteration : bhaagya se

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