Meaning of bharati karna in english

Interpreting bharati karna - भरती करना
As noun : draft Ex:  They are also used as draft animals and in certain sports.
draught recruit Ex:  The hostess knows recruit its staff
As verb : enlist Ex:  When the Civil War broke out he sought to enlist in the Union cause induct
Other : to enlist Ex:  Stewart subsequently attempted to enlist in the United States Army Air Corps to enroll enroll to enter Ex:  The first European to enter Saskatchewan was Henry Kelsey in 1690 enter Ex:  The first European to enter Saskatchewan was Henry Kelsey in 1690 recrimination Ex:  recrimination against his accuser admit Ex:  He said specifically an employee who works without pay or with reduced pay until we admit the number of employees as raise Ex:  Put together, raise
Suggested : a newly enlisted or drafted member of the armed forces to install in an office, benefice, position, etc, especially with formal ceremonies draughts, (used with a singular verb) British the game of checkers to enroll, usually voluntarily, for military service a drawing, sketch, or design
Exampleभरती करना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of bharati karna Antonyms of bharati karna

Word of the day
bharati karna can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 9 including consonants matras. Transliteration : bharatii karanaa

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