Meaning of bhaunchakka in english

Interpreting bhaunchakka - भौंचक्का
As noun : flummoxed
Other :
stunned Ex:  She was stunned by the experience dumbstruck thunderstruck flabbergasted dumbstricken aghast dumbfounded amazed Ex:  He was amazed astonished wonder struck startled Ex:  Larger groups of startled guinea pigs will "stampede"
Suggested : to disturb or agitate suddenly as by surprise or alarm to overwhelm with surprise or sudden wonder astonish greatly to deprive of consciousness or strength by or as if by a blow, fall, etc
Exampleभौंचक्का का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
Usage of भौंचक्का:
1. इस पर पत्नी को इतना दुखी होकर ऐसा कदम उठाया कि जिसने भी सुना वहीं भौंचक्का रह गया jagran.comRelated words :
bhaunchakka and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 8 including consonants matras. Transliteration : bhau.nchakkaa

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