Meaning of bhaunchakka kar dena in english

Interpreting bhaunchakka kar dena - भौंचक्का कर देना
As noun : shock Ex:  The shock of credit
floor Ex:  10,500 years ago the large lake that covered much of Death Valley's floor take aback
As verb : stun Ex:  Just two or three glasses of wine to stun ball over Ex:  In terms of Billiards, Failure to touch, do not reach the ball over which we play
Suggested : that part of a room, hallway, or the like, that forms its lower enclosing surface and upon which one walks a sudden and violent blow or impact collision to deprive of consciousness or strength by or as if by a blow, fall, etc
Exampleभौंचक्का कर देना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of bhaunchakka kar dena Antonyms of bhaunchakka kar dena

Word of the day
bhaunchakka kar dena can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 16 including consonants matras. Transliteration : bhau.nchakkaa kara denaa

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