Meaning of bheemakay,bhimakay in english
Interpreting bheemakay,bhimakay - भीमकाय
As noun : massive Ex:  Starting in early June the Soviets launched massive assaults against Finland उ: भीमकाय आक ३० इंच लंबा होता है।
monster उ: ऍनसॅलअडस प्राचीन यूनानी धार्मिक कथाओं का एक भीमकाय पात्र था।
Other : missive उ: डायोनी प्राचीन यूनानी धार्मिक कथाओं का एक भीमकाय पात्र था। titanic herculean gigantic Ex:  gigantic Pets giant Ex:  The largest galaxies are giant ellipticals.
Suggested : very large huge requiring the great strength of a Hercules very hard to perform (initial capital letter) of, pertaining to, or characteristic of the Titans a written message letter consisting of or forming a large mass bulky and heavy
Word of the day
Related words :
can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including consonants matras.
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