Meaning of bhej dena in english

Interpreting bhej dena - भेज देना
As noun : route Ex:  However, this route also had several disadvantages.
As verb : detach send away
Suggested : to direct (an assembly of persons) to disperse or go a group of things wrapped or tied together for easy handling or carrying a bundle, especially one to be carried on the back of an animal or a person to unfasten and separate disengage disunite a course, way, or road for passage or travel
Exampleभेज देना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of bhej dena Antonyms of bhej dena

Word of the day
Usage of भेज देना:
1. मायावती को जेल भेज देना चाहिए : साक्षी महाराज jagran.com2. देश विरोधी नारे लगाने वालों को पाकिस्तान भेज देना चाहिए: इंद्रेश कुमार
bhej dena can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 8 including consonants matras. Transliteration : bheja denaa

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