Meaning of bhogana in english

Interpreting bhogana - भोगना
As noun : experience Ex:  With growing experience उ:   इस मिथ्यावादनके कारण उसे संपत्ति-विनाश का कष्ट भोगना पडा।
As verb :
mete उ:   संसार में दुःख भी है, यह समझकर जो सुख नहीं भोगना चाहते, वे मूर्ख हैं। endure Ex:  can not endure his bégueulerie
Other : to undergo Ex:  He had to undergo excruciating privations उ:   यहां पिशाच योनि में इन्हें अत्यंत कष्ट भोगना पड़ रहा था। to suffer Ex:  It is extremely rare for patients to suffer more than three recurrences. उ:   फलस्वरूप उन्हें कठोर कारावास का दण्डश् भोगना पड़ा। to enjoy Ex:  Jews began to enjoy greater equality. to derive sexual pleasure to experience (pleasure or pain undergo Ex:  Different frequencies undergo different angles of refraction.
Suggested : to hold out against sustain without impairment or yielding undergo to be subjected to experience pass through a particular instance of personally encountering or undergoing something to distribute or apportion by measure allot dole (usually followed by out )
Exampleभोगना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of bhogana Antonyms of bhogana

Word of the day
Usage of भोगना:
1. जैसा आचरण होगा वैसा परिणाम भी भोगना पड़ेगा bhaskar.com2. अन्यथा अनेक योनियां धारण करके विभिन्न यातनाओं को भोगना पड़ता है bhaskar.comRelated words :
bhogana can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. The word is used as Verb in hindi composed of suffix at the end of the word originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : bhoganaa

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