Meaning of (भडकीला) bhadakila in english

As adjective : fussy
Other :
tawdry tart up gaudy flashy gorgeous gallant Ex:  It says a feminine woman that facilitates gallant intrigues glaring jaunty gaud showy splendid staring Ex:  It planted himself in front of me staring at me florid brilliant Ex:  A man of unusual abilities, brilliant
Suggested : splendid or sumptuous in appearance, coloring, etc magnificent sparkling or brilliant, especially in a superficial way or for the moment brilliantly or excessively showy a small pie filled with cooked fruit or other sweetened preparation, usually having no top crust (of finery, trappings, etc) gaudy showy and cheap
Exampleभडकीला का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(भडकीला) bhadakila can be used as adjective. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including consonants matras. Transliteration : bhaDakiilaa

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