Meaning of (भरनिपु) bharanipu in english

As noun : turnout
getup clothing Ex:  The sales tax in Minnesota is 6.5% but there is no sales tax on clothing costume Ex:  It is said in the same direction This costume is blunt: it etric you wear Ex:  's main exports are beverages, foodstuffs, electronics, clothing wear and salt. outfit Ex:  She has a beautiful outfit livery Ex:  Valet mainly in small livery habit Ex:  Sort clothes off which began over the habit costume Ex:  It is said in the same direction This costume is blunt: it etric you vesture robe Ex:  , in terms of Devotion, The robe of innocence, The State innocence rig attire garb number Ex:  Calgary also has a number of multicultural areas and assets. array Ex:  It also refers to the array outside of a shop habiliments strip Ex:  Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch and Fontaine Fox's comic strip
As verb : get up Ex:  , Wake up, get up in the song of the lark, Wake up, get up very early in the morning
Suggested : getup a style of dress, including accessories and hairdos, especially that peculiar to a nation, region, group, or historical period garments collectively clothes raiment apparel getup the gathering of persons who come to an exhibition, party, spectacle, or the like
Exampleभरनिपु का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(भरनिपु) bharanipu can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Feminine gender originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : bharanipu

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