Meaning of (भूरी) bhooree in english

As noun : huge Ex:  Farmers in Chile, Australia, and Hawaii found a huge new market for their food उ:   इसके ऊपर और नीचे की ओर एक हलकी भूरी लकीर होती है।
enormously Ex:  These modifications increase the surface area enormously . उ:   यहां की मृदा में एल्यूवियम, टेरी की भूरी बालू, आदि के कण मिलते हैं। monumentally उ:   यहाँ मुख्य रूप से क्ले, दोमट, भूरी तथा मटियार मिट्टयाँ पायी जाती हैं। mountain Ex:  In the mountain slopes between Charlottesville and Lynchburg heaps more heavily Ex:  Madrid was one of the most heavily impacted cities of Spain by the Civil War . excess Ex:  both genders Who restraint, moderation, which does not give in no excess fit to burst a great many only too no end of frightfully a good many so Ex:  They became so popular piping ever more thick Ex:  It also said some with thick black compositions which are used for printing books, engravings, lithographed drawings, etc great Ex:  There are three great collections of items that belonged to him manys the utmost keen staggeringly a whole lot of searingly a great deal of uttermost tremendously ever so more and more Ex:  The right to vote was granted to more and more people . to a fault ever such a immoderate tall Ex:  de Botanical tall tree, very common in the Vosges and the Jura crying Ex:  we put it here because of that familiar expression, crying like a Madeleine, Crying profusely, effusively to the full shatteringly cordial super abundant beyond measure fantastic infernally white hot ever such mostly Ex:  His later recordings were mostly made for Deutsche Grammophon a likely story much Ex:  Throughout much of the twentieth century
As verb : overwhelming Ex:  Poles make up an overwhelming 99.3% majority of the Polish population.
As adjective : considerable Ex:  The nation has considerable natural resources most Ex:  Unlike dogs and most mammals substantial Ex:  Here it entered a substantial freshwater lake in the southern North Sea basin. steep Ex:  Little steep extravagant Ex:  Supply censer through the nose to someone, Giving opposite the extravagant praise which show that mocks the one we rented acute Ex:  Making an evil, a suffering more acute all fired strong Ex:  Among these is the strong evidence that stuttering has a genetic basis. over much inordinate intense Ex:  The claim briefly received intense attention
As adverb : too Ex:  Model and von Rundstedt both believed that aiming for Antwerp was too ambitious उ:   ऍरिस की सतह भूरी है, जो की प्लूटो की लालिमा से भिन्न है। hugely vastly obscenely agonizingly mightily prohibitively deeply Ex:  Beethoven left the concert deeply moved. extravagantly devilishly highly Ex:  Argentina's nuclear program is highly advanced. dearly Ex:  Who is dearly loved, much that is held immoderately immensely Ex:  It is immensely rich badly Ex:  Myint Hlaing and Maung Maung Lay were badly injured and are now hospitalized. widely Ex:  It is caught, smoked, and sold widely in markets around the lake. hellishly dreadfully heartily disgustingly extremely Ex:  Space in Mozambican universities is extremely limited deadly so Ex:  They became so popular piercingly pretty Ex:  This lady has written a very pretty novel sublimely atrociously cordially often Ex:  Chevy Chase often did pratfalls on Saturday Night Live frequently Ex:  Royalty frequently participated in these discussions as well. almost Ex:  The Krag-Jørgensen was manufactured for almost 60 years in Norway. nearly Ex:  Aristotle remained at the academy for nearly twenty years
Suggested : extraordinarily large in bulk, quantity, or extent in addition also furthermore moreover resembling a monument massive or imposing greatly exceeding the common size, extent, etc huge immense extraordinarily large in bulk, quantity, or extent
Exampleभूरी का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
Usage of भूरी:
1. मंडी जिला के उपमंडल सरकाघाट की ग्राम पंचायत पटड़ीघाट के कलखर निवासी रतन सिंह (42) पुत्र भूरी सिंह की खड्ड में बहने से मौत हो गई jagran.com2. भूरी आंखोंवाला एक दिन जंगल में और दो दिन मैदानों में भटकता रहा bhaskar.com3. कलेक्टर पी. नरहरि ने भूरी टेकरी पर बन रहे आवासों का निरीक्षण करने के साथ निरंजनपुर, छोटा बांगड़दा और बड़ा बांगड़दा क्षेत्रों में सरकारी जमीन का भी निरीक्षण किया
(भूरी) bhooree can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 4 including consonants matras. Transliteration : bhuurii

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