Meaning of (भोजू) bhojoo in english

As noun : cuisine Ex:  The cuisine of Morocco is a mix of Berber
meal Ex:  Cuisine Some dishes we serve at the beginning of the meal dinner Ex:  Bringing home dinner catered meat Ex:  The narrower sense that refers to meat as not including fish ration dish Ex:  It still means the container in which it is Cook this dish food Ex:  They traded European food and goods fare cheer take out feed Ex:  Order of animals mammals that feed on raw flesh, such as dogs, cats eats Ex:  Hemiptera insect that eats the roots, stem and vine diet Ex:  Fresh fish also features strongly in the traditional local diet food Ex:  They traded European food and goods comestible sustenance victuals victual edible Ex:  Botanical variety with very fleshy edible boletus mushrooms also called eatable
As verb : eat Ex:  The narrower sense that refers to meat as not including fish
Suggested : a fixed allowance of provisions or food, especially for soldiers or sailors or for civilians during a shortage the flesh of animals as used for food the main meal of the day, eaten in the evening or at midday the food served and eaten especially at one of the customary, regular occasions for taking food during the day, as breakfast, lunch, or supper a style or quality of cooking cookery
Exampleभोजू का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(भोजू) bhojoo can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 4 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : bhojuu

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