Meaning of chashak in english
Interpreting chashak - चषक्
As noun : beaker
cup Ex:  The United States won the cup 10 of the 11 years that King participated. bowl Ex:  Table Mountain forms a dramatic backdrop to the city bowl bowl Ex:  A bowl filled with milk
Suggested : a rather deep, round dish or basin, used chiefly for holding liquids, food, etc
Exampleचषक् का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of chashak
Word of the day
Related words :
As noun : चषकाकार - cotyloidal
As adjective : चषकाभ - calyculate
Other : चषक चिह् न - cupmarks चषक चिह्न - cupmarks चषक प्रवाल - cup-coral चषकजंतु - scyphozoan चषकधर - scyphiphorous चषकन - cupping चषकपुच्छी - cotylocercous चषकप्रावार - hydrotheca चषकरूप - scyphiform चषकरूपी - calathiform चषकलघुपुच्छी - cotylomicrocercous चषकास्य - scyphistoma चषकिका - calicle
can be used as noun.. No of characters: 4 including consonants matras.
Transliteration :