Meaning of chal dhal in english
Interpreting chal dhal - चाल ढाल
As noun : air Ex:  Cool air warms as it passes through into the lungs
deportment port Ex:  The Southern Ocean's southernmost port operates at McMurdo Station at .
Other : behaviour Ex:  Irresponsible behaviour is not admissible.
Suggested : a city, town, or other place where ships load or unload demeanor conduct behavior a mixture of nitrogen, oxygen, and minute amounts of other gases that surrounds the earth and forms its atmosphere
Exampleचाल ढाल का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of chal dhal
Word of the day
chal dhal
can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including consonants matras.
Transliteration :
chaala Dhaala