Meaning of chamakana in english

Interpreting chamakana - चमकाना
As noun : glaze Ex:  of Blason Who is responsible for a different fruit glaze
shine Ex:  Enhance shine, the merit of an action, Assert, raise the merits of an action, give it a new shine do Ex:  What do you really think about yourself? flash burnish smooth Ex:  Fil gruff, Who is not smooth rub up
As verb : polish Ex:  When handling shoe polish furbish Ex:  furbish a helmet, breastplate irradiate
Other : kindle with brush-up polishing Ex:  After the carving and polishing is completed to sleek enlighten Ex:  Absolutely, Go enlighten illume bringing up ponunce to irradiate to burnish engild lighten Ex:  Absolutely, Go enlighten to emblazon Ex:  The painter made these arms in grisaille, they had to emblazon to gild Ex:  The one, the one whose job it is to gild to lighten Ex:  Throw cargo into the sea to lighten the ship to scour gild Ex:  The one, the one whose job it is to gild to refine Ex:  Once established, Apple continued to refine the software's look and feel. to glaze shindy brushup to enlighten Ex:  Who has the property to enlighten to heighten refine Ex:  Once established, Apple continued to refine the software's look and feel. emblazon Ex:  The painter made these arms in grisaille, they had to emblazon heighten Ex:  heighten color sleek to brighten Ex:  Try to brighten your mind glazing scour brighten Ex:  Try to brighten your mind garnish Ex:  It also means the instrument which is used to card the hair for a wig or garnish to clear any clogged limes vamp
Suggested : to make smooth and glossy, especially by rubbing or friction a brief, sudden burst of bright light to perform (an act, duty, role, etc) to give forth or glow with light shed or cast light to furnish or fill with glass
Exampleचमकाना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of chamakana Antonyms of chamakana

Word of the day
chamakana can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including consonants matras. The word is used as Transitive Verb in hindi originated from Hindi language . Transliteration : chamakaanaa

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