Meaning of charkhi in english
Interpreting charkhi - चर्खी
As noun : catherine wheel उ: इसके पर्दे गोल लट्ठों पर ऊपर चर्खी से लपेटे जाते थे।
Other :
gin Ex:  Boire gin snail Ex:  Spiral shell snail Species rack Ex:  It should preferably rack the wine dry weather
Suggested : a framework of bars, wires, or pegs on which articles are arranged or deposited any mollusk of the class Gastropoda, having a spirally coiled shell and a ventral muscular foot on which it slowly glides about an alcoholic liquor obtained by distilling grain mash with juniper berries a firework that revolves on a pin, making a wheel of fire or sparks pinwheel
Exampleचर्खी का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of charkhi
Word of the day
Related words :
As noun : चर्खी झूला - big wheel
can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Feminine gender originated from modification of Hindi language by locals .
Transliteration :