Meaning of cheeree in english

Interpreting cheeree - चीरी
As noun : note Ex:  Another society of note was the Society for German-Soviet Friendship.
bird Ex:  A number of bird species have been introduced by humans fowl membrane Ex:  The membrane is said to be 'semi-permeable' diaphragm Ex:  Anatomy Pertaining or belonging to the diaphragm film Ex:  The film starred Heera coat Ex:  The coat of arms used by the Sovereign
As adjective : cricket Ex:  All his predictions of the cricket matches were cent percent correct.
Other : sparrow Ex:  Private sparrow hen sparrow (in cards) a club valuable prize shuttlecock clubs Ex:  Noted clubs include Phnom Penh Empire, Khemara and Military Police. quarry Ex:  In terms of hunting, he said, by extension, the head of the deer, the deer, deer, stood up on the skin of the beast, or a wide table down, when made to quarry dogs
Suggested : Anatomy
a muscular, membranous or ligamentous wall separating two cavities or limiting a cavity Anatomy a thin, pliable sheet or layer of animal or vegetable tissue, serving to line an organ, connect parts, etc the domestic or barnyard hen or rooster chicken Compare domestic fowl any warm-blooded vertebrate of the class Aves, having a body covered with feathers, forelimbs modified into wings, scaly legs, a beak, and no teeth, and bearing young in a hard-shelled egg a brief record of something written down to assist the memory or for future reference
Exampleचीरी का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of cheeree

Word of the day
cheeree can be used as noun or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 4 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from modification of Sanskrit and/or Hindi language by locals . Transliteration : chiirii

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