Meaning of chetana in english
Interpreting chetana - चेताना
As noun : remind Ex:  He said, by analogy, of things that remind the shape of this musical instrument, a small long loaf; Drinking glasses of elongated, etc
Other : to draw (one's) attention (to to advise to caution to remind (one to suggest Ex:  There is absolutely no evidence to suggest that Shaka had betrayed Dingiswayo. to warn Ex:  Bell which is used to call or to warn suggest Ex:  There is absolutely no evidence to suggest that Shaka had betrayed Dingiswayo.
Suggested : to mention or introduce (an idea, proposition, plan, etc) for consideration or possible action to utter a threat against menace
Exampleचेताना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of chetana
Word of the day
can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including consonants matras. The word is used as Transitive Verb in hindi originated from Hindi language .
Transliteration :