Meaning of chikitsa kee drrishti se anirdharit,chikitsa ki drrishti se anirdharit,chikitsa kee drishti se anirdharit in english
Interpreting chikitsa kee drrishti se anirdharit,chikitsa ki drrishti se anirdharit,chikitsa kee drishti se anirdharit - चिकित्सा की दृष्टि से अनिर्धारित
Suggested : of, pertaining to, or having the properties of a medicine curative remedial of, pertaining to, or having the properties of a medicine curative remedial of or pertaining to the science or practice of medicine
Exampleचिकित्सा की दृष्टि से अनिर्धारित का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of chikitsa kee drrishti se anirdharit,chikitsa ki drrishti se anirdharit,chikitsa kee drishti se anirdharit
Word of the day
chikitsa kee drrishti se anirdharit,chikitsa ki drrishti se anirdharit,chikitsa kee drishti se anirdharit
can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 32 including vowels consonants matras.
Transliteration :
chikitsaa kii dRRiShTi se anirdhaarita