Meaning of chipakana in english

Interpreting chipakana - चिपकाना
As noun : paste Ex:  Please paste down the edges .
seal Ex:  In 1843, a seal representing Hong Kong was instituted. stick down mount Ex:  It says literally that mount Beasts, like horses, mules, etc plaster Ex:  An ancient plaster, a figure, a plaster bas relief, molded from the antique stick Ex:  I'll stick to my guns on this matter . card Ex:  Should a card accidentally become exposed
As verb : post Ex:  In the post match interview fasten
Other : to cause to adhere ?? to paste to stick (on to embrace to get into a job or post to stick Ex:  , Call of someone's sentence, not wanting to stick to his decision to his judgment to cause to cling to put into an employment sticking down pasting Ex:  Action pasting or state what is slurried
Suggested : a branch or shoot of a tree or shrub that has been cut or broken off a composition, as of lime or gypsum, sand, water, and sometimes hair or other fiber, applied in a pasty form to walls, ceilings, etc, and allowed to harden and dry to go up climb ascend an embossed emblem, figure, symbol, word , letter, etc, used as attestation or evidence of authenticity a mixture of flour and water, often with starch or the like, used for causing paper or other material to adhere to something
Exampleचिपकाना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of chipakana Antonyms of chipakana

Word of the day
chipakana can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including consonants matras. The word is used as Transitive Verb in hindi originated from Hindi language . Transliteration : chipakaanaa

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