Meaning of chitte padaे hue in english

Interpreting chitte padaे hue - चित्ते पड़े हुए
As adjective :
freckled Ex:  bigarrure a freckled skin
Suggested : one of the small, brownish spots on the skin that are caused by deposition of pigment and that increase in number and darken on exposure to sunlight lentigo
Exampleचित्ते पड़े हुए का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of chitte padaे hue Antonyms of chitte padaे hue

Word of the day
chitte padaे hue can be used as adjective.. No of characters: 14 including vowels consonants matras. Transliteration : chitte pa.Daे hue

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