Meaning of chunnatadar in english

Interpreting chunnatadar - चुन्नटदार
As noun : pleated Ex:  A very white valance, pleated well
full Ex:  His book is full of references.
As verb : crumple Ex:  To cap crumple
Other : tucked Ex:  He tucked the watch in the bureau. rumpled/creased gathered Ex:  We gathered in the pumpkins just in time .
Suggested : to press or crush into irregular folds or into a compact mass bend out of shape rumple wrinkle completely filled containing all that can be held filled to utmost capacity a fold of definite, even width made by doubling cloth or the like upon itself and pressing or stitching it in place
Exampleचुन्नटदार का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of chunnatadar Antonyms of chunnatadar

Word of the day
chunnatadar can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 9 including consonants matras. Transliteration : chunnaTadaara

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