Meaning of churana in english

Interpreting churana - चुराना
As noun : snitch
pinch heist cop Ex:  The cop grappled with the thief for the gun . relieve of bag Ex:  The furniture I bought is a mixed bag . rustle Ex:  The rustle of a wing pick Ex:  What we can pick up in one shot rake whip Ex:  In terms of riding a horse Chastise, Give her whip or spur, when he refuses to do so required of him steal Ex:  Or: Heinz should steal the drug for his wife
As verb : purloin pilfer lift Ex:  Landing at twice the normal speed to maintain the necessary lift knock off thieve rip off
Other : to captivate (as the heart to conceal Ex:  By contrast, in the open it is very hard to conceal a tank. to withdraw or to trun away (the eyes to steal Ex:  Zaphod and Ford decide to steal a ship from there to hide away to withhold to pinch stew Ex:  Food was mostly served on plates or in stew pots sneak
Suggested : to catch nab a robbery or holdup to take dishonestly steal filch pilfer to squeeze or compress between the finger and thumb, the teeth, the jaws of an instrument, or the like to turn informer tattle
Exampleचुराना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of churana Antonyms of churana

Word of the day
Usage of चुराना:
1. गुजारे के लिए भीख मांगना, चोरी करना, कूड़े के डिब्बे से खाना चुराना शुरू कर दिया bhaskar.com2. चारों ने थरोड़ा गांव में नदी के पास से कुएं में लगी मोटर चुराना कबूला bhaskar.com3. पूछताछ में बदमाशों ने 10 पंप चुराना कबूला है bhaskar.comRelated words :
churana can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including consonants matras. The word is used as Transitive Verb in hindi originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : churaanaa

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