Meaning of (चटक) chatak in english

As noun : fast Ex:  He ran out of the room as fast as he could .
As adjective :
lively Ex:  This leads into the lively finale
Other : gaudy उ:   आसपास ५०० मीटर की दूरी तक इमारतों के शीशे चटक गए। loud (colour उ:   यह चटक हरे रंग का दुर्बलकाय पक्षी है। bright Ex:  Under the bright Andalusian sky उ:   चटक रंगों के स्थान पर यहाँ कोमल रंगों का प्रयोग हुआ है। crash quickness Ex:  He did this with great quickness, with great hand quickness brightness Ex:  It also said some points that are sometimes found in diamonds and decrease in brightness and price prime (of life quick Ex:  This quick rate of growth lasts throughout their youth. sharp Ex:  Divide a body, parts of a body with a sharp instrument ornamentation Ex:  Thus architecture refers to a style of abundant ornamentation and refined glitter Ex:  Source of great wealth, alluding to a river of Lydia that rolled gold glitter brilliance Ex:  be dazzled by the brilliance of wealth, by wealth loud Ex:  He told her loud and clear sense brilliant Ex:  A beautiful, brilliant chambered crack snap smack briskness pungency (of spices intelligent Ex:  Though he consideres himself that he is very intelligent but his behaviour is puerile. sparrow Ex:  Common name of the sparrow splendour agility Ex:  We thrilled at the agility of the dancers . sprain Ex:  In terms of veterinary Art, it is said of a sprain of the anterior joint of horse, beef, etc coquetry Ex:  His manners were much coquetry
Suggested : the quality of being bright done, proceeding, or occurring with promptness or rapidity, as an action, process, etc prompt immediate to make a loud, clattering noise, as of something dashed to pieces radiating or reflecting light luminous shining brilliantly or excessively showy
Exampleचटक का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
Usage of चटक:
1. धर्मनगरी का भगवा रंग हुआ चटक amarujala.com2. बुधवार को चटक धूप होने के कारण दिन में लोगों को तेज गर्मी का अहसास हुआ
(चटक) chatak can be used as noun or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 3 including consonants. The word is used as Noun, Verb and/or Adjective in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from modification of Sanskrit language by locals . Transliteration : chaTaka

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