Meaning of (चबाना) chabana in english
As verb : chew Ex:  It does not chew its food, instead swallowing it whole. उ: चबाना धीमा हो जाता है।
munch उ: ऐसे भोजन को अधिक चबाना पड़ता है एवं अधिक ऊर्जा व्यय होती है। masticate उ: नाखून चबाना एक बहुत आम गतिविधि है, खासकर बच्चों में। eat Ex:  Coastal people eat lots of seafood.
Other : to crunch perplexity or mortification to chew Ex:  Absolutely, Young dogs love to chew to gnaw to bite (the lip: in amazement to cause to chew to munch to masticate scrunch quid
Suggested : to crunch, crush, or crumple to take into the mouth and swallow for nourishment chew and swallow (food) to chew to chew with steady or vigorous working of the jaws, often audibly to crush or grind with the teeth masticate
Exampleचबाना का हिन्दी मे अर्थ
Word of the day
Usage of चबाना:
1. च्युइंगम चबाना आमतौर पर सभी को पसंद है लेकिन कई बार च्युइंगम गलती से पेट में चली जाती हैamarujala.com2. व्यक्तित्व ही नहीं, सेहत पर भी भारी है नाखून चबाना LiveHindustan3. व्यक्तित्व ही नहीं, सेहत पर भी भारी नाखून चबाना LiveHindustan
(चबाना) chabana
can be used as verb or transitive verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. The word is used as Transitive Verb in hindi originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :