Meaning of (चलचलिय) chalachaliya in english
As noun : naughty
giddy flighty wavering quivering shaking Ex:  Spouting, out impetuously and by shaking wanton erratic Ex:  In terms of medicine, erratic pain, pain which can scarcely locate volatile mobile Ex:  As a mobile monastery-town uncertain Ex:  It is uncertain whether he really married her fluid Ex:  Every planet began its existence in an entirely fluid state floating Ex:  A notable khlong market is the floating market in Taling Chan district. instability Ex:  This period of internal instability lasted for decades. wobbly choppy unfirm unfocused unfocussed unsettled variable Ex:  One variable is differences between fish. wandering Ex:  Rally men, fixed or wandering in the not yet civilized countries
As adjective : fickle scatterbrained restless volatile nimble Ex:  It is nimble to reply flickering unstable Ex:  It is an unstable colouring agent unsteady mercurial harum scarum playful Ex:  It is sometimes said to Extremely gay, playful, playful skittish mobile Ex:  As a mobile monastery-town indecisive fickle versatile Ex:  A versatile capricious shaky giddy transient inconsistent Ex:  Metaphor happy, just, bold, exaggerated, forced, inconsistent whimsical Ex:  The novelist is whimsical precarious planetary Ex:  Every planetary body is surrounded by its own gravitational field fleeting lissome slippery Ex:  The pavement is bad, slippery mercurial inconstant treacherous changeable unreliable unprecise afloat unsteadfast unliquidated unstaid irresolute volatile oils astatic
Suggested : given to flights of fancy capricious frivolous characterized by or showing inability to remain at rest affected with vertigo dizzy disobedient mischievous (used especially in speaking to or about children) likely to change, especially due to caprice, irresolution, or instability casually changeable
Word of the day
(चलचलिय) chalachaliya
can be used as noun or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including consonants matras.
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