Meaning of (चलचाल) chalachala in english
As noun : erratic
volatile mobile Ex:  Instead, they featured long range mobile operations, often by small uncertain Ex:  The exact identity of the disease is uncertain fluid Ex:  This iron sulfide core is partially fluid floating Ex:  US$15 per share, towards substantially paying down floating debt. instability Ex:  Due to Colombia's geography and years of social and political instability wobbly choppy unfirm unfocused unfocussed unsettled variable Ex: but air also contains a variable amount of water vapor. wandering Ex:  Running fields, Walking, wandering the fields
As adjective : unstable Ex:  This does not mean that the orbit of Pluto itself is unstable indecisive fickle versatile Ex:  Character of what is versatile capricious shaky giddy transient inconsistent Ex:  Physical condition which is inconsistent whimsical Ex:  whimsical Historian precarious planetary Ex:  This definition is based in modern theories of planetary formation fleeting lissome slippery Ex:  There are non-mobile carriages, roller carriages, carriages slippery mercurial inconstant unsteady treacherous changeable unreliable unprecise afloat unsteadfast harum scarum unliquidated unstaid irresolute volatile oils astatic
Suggested : likely to change, especially due to caprice, irresolution, or instability casually changeable evaporating rapidly passing off readily in the form of vapor characterized by indecision , as persons irresolute undecided deviating from the usual or proper course in conduct or opinion eccentric queer not stable not firm or firmly fixed unsteady
Word of the day
(चलचाल) chalachala
can be used as noun or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :