Meaning of (चियारना) chiyarana in english
As noun : weft Ex:  There are fabrics with a warp yarn and silk weft
pick Ex:  The gleaners will pick the ears in the woof filling Ex:  Both Selk'nam and Yámana had persons filling in shaman-like roles. run Ex:  These are scored instead of any runs the batsmen may have already run float Ex:  Leaving a float broadcast Ex:  2007 broadcast of Live with Regis and Kelly splay Ex:  In terms of gardening, a splay tree Him take over circumference throw around sound Ex:  Their sound was not instrumental reach Ex:  It appears that people rarely if ever reach stage six of Kohlberg's model. throw about plant Ex:  Another plant native to this region shoot Ex:  Blindfolds a soldier we'll shoot carry Ex:  Funeral trains would carry the remains of important people pass Ex:  I pass indeed into their world. blow Ex:  A player said in the same direction to his opponent: I blow you bear Ex:  The bear is a common National personification for Russia and even Germany. noise Ex:  Since a moving bicycle makes little noise dilate Ex:  dilate particularly means, in terms of Physics, Volume up of a body and make it occupy more space, discarding its material particles without disaggregating release Ex:  It is available in the DVD release of the film unseal Ex:  Sealing, close, open, unseal a letter reel off unlash undoing unroll unreel unfastening throw Ex:  Botanical Garden Plant, including capsules, when the end is in creasing, throw the seeds they contain roll down broach unstuff unstrap unfasten steam open unclasp untying break Ex:  When they could not break the chains untwine give Ex:  Please give back the proper amount .
As verb : deploy Ex:  Falling on his opponent tooth and nail, Taking him by bending the arm to deploy the next and hit harder disseminate Ex:  Action disseminate or result of this action spread Ex:  The echoes of the victory in Warsaw spread across the country. propagate Ex:  These propagate via gurukula discipleship shed Ex:  2006, NASA announced STS-121 had shed more foam than they expected. communicate Ex:  To communicate with other submarines, a system known as Gertrude is used. develop Ex:  Lee decided to develop a system with an emphasis on "practicality unfold Ex:  The meaning of the code will slowly unfold before you . peddle extend Ex:  They extend terrestrial life into much of the Earth's hydrosphere stretch Ex:  They also stretch muscles after they have been exercised. circulate interpenetrate strew Ex:  strew the land of flowers expand Ex:  Rome continued to expand access Ex:  Where much of the developing world lacks access to reliable water sources untie Ex:  , they are not worthy to untie the strings of his shoes expose Ex:  DELIVER also said in the direction of Giving prey, expose to unfurl unfold Ex:  The meaning of the code will slowly unfold before you . open Ex:  Zion Lodge is open year-round and has motel units unwind disassemble Ex:  Action to disassemble, disassemble disclose Ex:  keep quiet about something or just keep quiet, do not disclose a secret unpack unzip loose Ex:  His process is loose unscrew unknot unwrap turn on undo Ex:  , It is a ring finger, says a Thing prices which we can always easily undo open up unbuckle uncover
Suggested : Military to spread out (troops) so as to form an extended front or line an act or instance of filling filling ( def 5 ) to choose or select from among a group Textiles filling ( def 5 )
Exampleचियारना का हिन्दी मे अर्थ
Word of the day
(चियारना) chiyarana
can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including consonants matras. The word is used as Transitive Verb in hindi originated from modification of language by locals .
Transliteration :