Meaning of (चुनना) chunana in english

As noun : opt Ex:  Nevertheless, his gufeng might adopt the perspective of the Confucian moralist. उ:   इसमें सही अनुवाद को चुनना है।
cull out उ:   इसलिए मुझे १ चुनना चाहिए। gather Ex:  Camp maneuvers, one where you gather troops to instruct doing the maneuvering उ:   अतः बिस्मार्क को रूस और ऑस्ट्रिया में से किसी एक को चुनना था। select Ex:  Such bodies are generally known as select committees or special committees उ:   उसे अपनी पढ़ाई पूरी करनी होती है या अपने प्यार को चुनना होता है। fix on Ex:  It's also said only a first jet, speaking of what is only sketched, ideas that we hastened to fix on the canvas or on paper, in a moment of inspiration उ:   इसलिए मुझे हरा चुनना चाहिए जिस से वह २० हारे और मैं २० जीतूँ। vote onto pack Ex:  The size of the pack may change over time and is controlled by several factors cap Ex:  The Latin word with the original meaning is preserved in Romanian cap winnow winnow down single Ex:  Most use single sideband voice vote into single out vote on Ex:  By refusing to vote on a motion berry pick on pick Ex:  We forgot the key, it was necessary to pick the door
As verb : adopt Ex:  Nevertheless, his gufeng might adopt the perspective of the Confucian moralist. उ:   पर उसे क़ानून और भाई मे से किसी एक को चुनना है। choose Ex:  God's omniscience implies that God knows how free agents will choose to act. उ:   चुनना जाति और कुल अपने बस की तो है बात नहीं। cull उ:   इसके साथ एक भाषा संबंधी विषय भी चुनना अनिवार्य होता है। sort Ex:  Most kids are sort of messed up at this age . उ:   प्रत्येक दल को अपने क्षेत्र से चार खिलाड़ियों को जरूर चुनना पड़ता है। elect Ex:  Such bodies are generally known as select committees or special committees उ:   तब आपको यह जरूर चुनना होगा कि आप यह बात अपने शिक्षक से बताएं या नहीं। pick out put in Ex:  He wants me to put in falsies.
Other : ??? to tuck to crease to select Ex:  Whichever method is used to select the entry to gather Ex:  It was easy to gather materials, it is the implementation that was hard to pick or to peck at to cull to arrange to set out Ex:  Sarai left her family to set out for the land of Canaan to wall up to crimp to pleat to choose Ex:  They were offered a number of producers to choose from to pluck to glean Ex:  This scholar has left almost nothing to glean after him to discard to elect Ex:  It is also the first province in Canada to elect a female Premier in 1993 to build up (as a wall to immure (in to pick Ex:  , A bone to pick with someone, give him some occupation, a job that helps him live Him or some slight thanks to free himself from his importunities vote Ex:  Let's vote Christine onto the board . vote in Ex:  Virgin Island residents cannot vote in presidential elections.
Suggested : to choose select pick to bring together into one group, collection, or place to make a choice choose (usually followed by for ) to select from a number of possibilities pick by preference to choose or take as one's own make one's own by selection or assent
Exampleचुनना का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
Usage of चुनना:
1. '2017 में या तो चैम्पियन्स ट्रॉफी या IPL, किसी एक को चुनना होगा'livehindustan.com2. '2017 में या तो चैम्पियन्स ट्रॉफी या IPL, किसी एक को चुनना होगा'livehindustan.com3. विद्यार्थियों को विज्ञान को पेशे के रूप में चुनना चाहिए: PM मोदी
(चुनना) chunana can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. The word is used as Transitive Verb in hindi composed of suffix at the end of the word originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : chunanaa

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