Meaning of chhalang in english

Interpreting chhalang - छलाँग
As noun : vault Ex:  Architecture Open gallery whose vault or ceiling are supported by columns, arches by
lunge vaulting
Other : bound Ex:  The pages of the books were not bound leap Ex:  The second month of the year, which has only twenty-eight days in ordinary years, twenty-nine in leap years spring Ex:  In the spring of 1996, Jarrah moved to Germany with his cousin Salim. jump Ex:  , in terms of Play, sheep jump
Suggested : to spring through the air from one point or position to another jump simple past tense and past participle of bind the act or process of constructing vaults a sudden forward thrust, as with a sword or knife stab an arched structure, usually made of stones, concrete, or bricks, forming a ceiling or roof over a hall, room, sewer, or other wholly or partially enclosed construction
Exampleछलाँग का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of chhalang Antonyms of chhalang

Word of the day
chhalang can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Feminine gender composed of more than one word originated from Hindi language . Transliteration : Chalaa.Nga

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