Meaning of chhalang marana in english

Interpreting chhalang marana - छलाँग मारना
As noun : vault Ex:  Architecture extra rib which leaves from the corner of a Gothic vault
jump Ex:  We did it jump
As verb : bound Ex:  The IITs are not bound to fill these quotas of seats
Other : to leap to bound
Suggested : simple past tense and past participle of bind to spring clear of the ground or other support by a sudden muscular effort leap an arched structure, usually made of stones, concrete, or bricks, forming a ceiling or roof over a hall, room, sewer, or other wholly or partially enclosed construction
Exampleछलाँग मारना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of chhalang marana Antonyms of chhalang marana

Word of the day
chhalang marana can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 11 including consonants matras. Transliteration : Chalaa.Nga maaranaa

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