Meaning of chhin in english

Interpreting chhin - छिन्
As verb : mangle
disband Ex:  Forrest ordered the Klan to disband in 1869
Other : instant Ex:  For one instant way उ:   धनुष बना छिन माहिं तुमने, शिवाजी हाथ दिया। suitable moment उ:   राजा विराट के साले कीचक, द्रौपदी से यह किला छिन लेना चाहते थे। moment Ex:  The GUNT was saved for the moment by the IAF उ:   क्रांति काल के बाद सभी क्षेत्र फ्रांस से छिन लिए गए। leisure moment moment or time of a particular event
Suggested : to break up or dissolve (an organization) to injure severely, disfigure, or mutilate by cutting, slashing, or crushing
Exampleछिन् का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of chhin

Word of the day
chhin can be used as verb. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 4 including consonants matras. Transliteration : Chin

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