Meaning of chhotee chapatee oopar ko kuchh mudee huee nak,chhotee chapatee upar ko kuchh mudee huee nak,chhoti chapati oopar ko kuchh mudi hui nak in english

Interpreting chhotee chapatee oopar ko kuchh mudee huee nak,chhotee chapatee upar ko kuchh mudee huee nak,chhoti chapati oopar ko kuchh mudi hui nak - छोटी चपटी ऊपर को कुछ मुडी हुई नाक
Other :
Suggested : to treat with disdain or contempt, especially by ignoring
Exampleछोटी चपटी ऊपर को कुछ मुडी हुई नाक का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of chhotee chapatee oopar ko kuchh mudee huee nak,chhotee chapatee upar ko kuchh mudee huee nak,chhoti chapati oopar ko kuchh mudi hui nak

Word of the day
chhotee chapatee oopar ko kuchh mudee huee nak,chhotee chapatee upar ko kuchh mudee huee nak,chhoti chapati oopar ko kuchh mudi hui nak . No of characters: 33 including vowels consonants matras. Transliteration : ChoTii chapaTii uupara ko kuCha muDii huii naaka

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