Meaning of (छेती) chhetee in english
As noun : breach Ex:  This action was deemed a breach of the privilege of the House
dissolution Ex:  The dissolution of Parliament is effected by the Sovereign severance break Ex:  These conflicts led to the break out of the First Boer War. abeyance stoppage discrepancy Ex:  that's my story is said to hear that there is a large discrepancy between what a person says and what one has done or experienced himself discrimination Ex:  Superior generalisation and discrimination ability . difference Ex:  By looking at the difference in masses gap Ex:  They also discovered the small Maxwell gap and Keeler gap . distance Ex:  Undulating hills can be seen from a distance in summer. piece Ex:  When choosing a musical piece to accompany his scenes spacing Ex:  The spacing of studs, joists, columns, buildings differential Ex:  The art of analog computing reached its zenith with the differential analyzer drop Ex:  In terms of music, Supporting his voice, In maintain strength, do not drop clearance Ex:  Door clearance aloofness farness farawayness remoteness Ex:  Due to the country's remoteness travel Ex:  The Ambassador is just a few minutes' travel to or from the airport breadth way Ex:  Look at the way that guy drives . estrangement length Ex:  The first team to navigate the Yenisey's entire length run Ex:  They briefly lived together during the Broadway run of Play It Again field Ex:  The Red Scarf and Rozafa, which helped launch the field of Albanian opera. remove Ex:  Dickens's mother did not immediately remove him from the boot-blacking factory distance Ex:  Undulating hills can be seen from a distance in summer. withdrawnness range Ex:  It also works on the VirtualAcorn range of emulators. space Ex:  Time has historically been closely related with space
As verb : fall out Ex:  Washington's political views would later fall out of fashion.
Suggested : temporary inactivity, cessation, or suspension to smash, split, or divide into parts violently reduce to pieces or fragments the settling to the ground of airborne particles ejected into the atmosphere from the earth by explosions, eruptions, forest fires, etc, especially such settling from nuclear explosions (radioactive fallout) Compare rainout the act or process of resolving or dissolving into parts or elements the act or a result of breaking break or rupture
Exampleछेती का हिन्दी मे अर्थ
Word of the day
(छेती) chhetee
can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 4 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Feminine gender .
Transliteration :