Meaning of (छड़) chhad in english

As noun : rod Ex:  Since the rod did not fully extend
Other :
pole Ex:  Each pole gets around 42 years of continuous sunlight staff Ex:  The Secretary-General alone is responsible for staff selection. fishing-rod stalk Ex:  de Botanical Who is carried by a stalk stubble Ex:  Plants of the genus Gramineae, characterized by a gnarled stubble whose flower is a set of ears fragrant grass bar Ex:  Following admission to the bar and joining the local Democratic party stem Ex:  Properties of stem cells can be illustrated in vitro tringle shaft Ex:  This said, specifically, a College of Architecture, in which replaces the shaft of the Doric column of figures of captives who bear the entablature
Suggested : Usually, stubbles the stumps of grain and other stalks left in the ground when the crop is cut the stem or main axis of a plant a group of persons, as employees, charged with carrying out the work of an establishment or executing some undertaking a long, cylindrical, often slender piece of wood, metal, etc a stick, wand, staff, or the like, of wood, metal, or other material
Exampleछड़ का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
Usage of छड़:
1. किसी ने दोनों गालों में घोंप ली रॉड तो किसी ने जीभ के आर-पार कर ली छड़ bhaskar.com2. बताया गया कि सीलिंग से छड़ दिख रही है bhaskar.com3. हाजीपुर में लाखों रुपए का छड़ लदा ट्रक अगवा LiveHindustan
(छड़) chhad can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 2 including consonants. Transliteration : Cha.Da

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