Meaning of daulat in english

Interpreting daulat - दौलत
As noun : prosperity Ex:  Other European traders followed, rapidly boosting prosperity in Western Africa. उ:   गद्दाफी के पास थी अकूत दौलत थी।
wealth Ex:  The partnership's size and wealth drew much attention. उ:   ताकी उसकी सारी दौलत उसे मिल जाये। riches Ex:  The goods of fortune, the dignities, honors, riches उ:   * दौलत में बढोतरी बहुत कम लोगों के पास हो रही है।
Suggested : having wealth or great possessions abundantly supplied with resources, means, or funds wealthy a great quantity or store of money, valuable possessions, property, or other riches a successful, flourishing, or thriving condition, especially in financial respects good fortune
Exampleदौलत का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of daulat

Word of the day
Usage of दौलत:
1. बागी हुए स्वामी प्रसाद, 'दलित नहीं दौलत की बेटी हैं मायावती, बेच रही हैं टिकट' ibnlive.com2. अगर ऐसा नहीं किया तो अमेरिका पाकिस्तान को न तो दौलत देगा और ना ही हथियारibnlive.com3. इस तहखाने जैसे भंडार में अकूत दौलत जमा कर रखी गई हैibnlive.comRelated words :
daulat can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 4 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender . Transliteration : daulata

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