Meaning of (दंडानीक) dndaneeka in english

As noun : detail Ex:  Venus's surface has been mapped in detail only in the last 20 years
portfolio Ex:  PAQUET, in terms of Printing, says a Certain amount of composition lines, about the scope of a regular page, but neither current portfolio basis, and linked with string unit Ex:  This is usually meant to be a social unit of eusocial animals department Ex:  Though European painting may have its own department work unit section Ex:  The British section of North Sea has the most platforms service Ex:  The service ceased in 2000 after 32 years bureau block Ex:  The victorious Catholic cantons could block any decisions of the council division Ex:  This division may have worked but it was never to be tested. branch Ex:  He found a branch that had not made a nomination and arranged to visit them. personnel Ex:  The reforms began in personnel changes office Ex:  Someone locked me out of my office . compartment Ex:  The fourth compartment of the stomach of ruminants which contains rennet curdle milk to
Suggested : an act of helpful activity help aid a part that is cut off or separated a distinct part of anything arranged in divisions a division of a complex whole or organized system a flat, portable case for carrying loose papers, drawings, etc an individual or minute part an item or particular
Exampleदंडानीक का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(दंडानीक) dndaneeka can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender composed of more than one word originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : d.nDaaniika

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