Meaning of (दानिस्त) danista in english

As noun : wisdom Ex:  Athens Court placed in a place sacred to Mars and known in antiquity by its reputation for wisdom
knowledge Ex:  Socrates is often found arguing that knowledge is not empirical knowledge; sometimes referred to as spiritual knowledge acquaintance science Ex:  The word science comes through the Old French cognition understanding Ex:  By traditional British understanding connaissance learning Ex:  He also joins a Go club, after learning his love interest plays there. reason Ex:  Cone claims the reason they were signed was that he had joined their band. background Ex:  This brief animation sets the scene and adds background to the gameplay sensation Ex:  sensation of Medicine excessive hunger intelligence Ex:  Artificial intelligence was adopted throughout the technology industry sense Ex:  In this well-defined mathematical sense letter Ex:  A letter to Joseph Priestley awareness Ex:  Alpha Kappa Alpha contributed to drawing awareness to health-related issues information Ex:  The following information is derived from the Encyclopaedia Britannica enlightenment knowledge Ex:  Socrates is often found arguing that knowledge is not empirical info poop consciousness Ex:  Phenomenal consciousness is a state with qualia. idea Ex:  Galen believed that this idea originated with Hippocrates direction Ex:  The center is managed under the direction of the mayor’s office detail Ex:  As explained in detail under "Geography" in touch with Ex:  Make knowledge, Bind, get in touch with someone know how Ex:  ", or more idiomatically "Do you know how late it is? gen dope report Ex:  According to Chinese news media's report instruction Ex:  Buckley came late to formal instruction in the English language discretion Ex:  The garrison has surrendered at discretion wits marbles brainpower light Ex:  It consists of reacting gases and solids emitting visible and infrared light wit Ex:  He has wit rockets, good humor head Ex:  The Secretary-General of the United Nations is the head of the Secretariat brain Ex:  This is the structure that is most easily visible in brain specimens sense Ex:  In this well-defined mathematical sense mind Ex:  But he later changed his mind and joined the majority in Mapp v. comprehension conception Ex:  Some pro-life supporters argue that life begins at conception understanding Ex:  By traditional British understanding grasp Ex:  It is a very fine distinction and that all minds can not grasp grasping wit Ex:  He has wit rockets, good humor grip Ex:  Few top players used the western grip after the 1920s sense Ex:  In this well-defined mathematical sense apprehension light Ex:  It consists of reacting gases and solids emitting visible and infrared light judgment Ex:  figuratively, it means the organ of thought, and consequently, intelligence, judgment uptake ear Ex:  Action Agriculture beat cereal ear rods to separate the seed
As verb : understand Ex:  I can't understand anything Bob says .
Suggested : a branch of knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts or truths systematically arranged and showing the operation of general laws a person known to one, but usually not a close friend acquaintance with facts, truths, or principles, as from study or investigation general erudition acquaintance with facts, truths, or principles, as from study or investigation general erudition the quality or state of being wise knowledge of what is true or right coupled with just judgment as to action sagacity, discernment, or insight
Exampleदानिस्त का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(दानिस्त) danista can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Feminine gender . Transliteration : daanista

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