Meaning of (दिलचला) dilachala in english

As noun : adventurer
stout brave Ex:  It is a brave soldier, a brave man hero Ex:  Returning to New York as a war hero prow valorous heart Ex:  Anscombe suffered from heart disease stalwart spunky daring stout hearted gallant Ex:  Doing gallant with the ladies lion Ex:  A lion who fights the sides of its tail, with its tail donor Ex:  It also means guarantee, by an act, property of property to someone, for it to enjoy after the death of the donor giver magnanimous broad minded understanding Ex:  Marx argued for a systemic understanding of socioeconomic change. prodigal Ex:  Not only is stingy point, but it is even prodigal open minded big hearted tender Ex:  Up a clock, a watch, a mechanical, tender again in the spring open handed undogmatical big headed large Ex:  While large cities such as Charlotte undogmatic beneficent broad Ex:  Bucharest also has a broad range of educational facilities. unstinted unshockable
As verb : dashing brave Ex:  It is a brave soldier, a brave man spirited Ex:  Passions spirited lavish Ex:  It is not lavish praise
As adjective : gutsy brave Ex:  It is a brave soldier, a brave man spunky daring nerveless courageous valiant high spirited plucky venturesome bold Ex:  Figure metaphor bold picture heroic Ex:  He gave courses in Old English heroic verse plucky martial Ex:  Authorities declared martial law strenuous unflinching manly scrappy generous beneficent liberal Ex:  The monarchs initially yielded to the revolutionaries' liberal demands. generous munificent tolerant bountiful charitable Ex:  In a charitable manner benevolent unsparing kind Ex:  It is also used in making a kind of pickled vegetable. wholehearted unstinting big Ex:  Greek culture played a big role in his upbringing
Suggested : adventurous courage boldness possessing or exhibiting courage or courageous endurance a person who has, enjoys, or seeks adventures energetic and spirited lively having a great deal of courage or nerve
Exampleदिलचला का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(दिलचला) dilachala can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi composed of more than one word originated from Hindi language . Transliteration : dilachalaa

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