Meaning of (दीधना) deedhana in english

As noun : dispense Ex:  two kinds of which we can not dispense
bear Ex:  The Teddy bear gets its name from a 1902 hunting trip to Sharkey County administration Ex:  In the closing year of his administration treat Ex:  The local hospital, Maridi, tested and attempted to treat the patient tender Ex:  We must aim for the ideal, tender to the ideal let Ex:  Adams also let it be known that while writing he would listen to music take Ex:  The soldiers' orders were to take no prisoners . lay Ex:  As only female birds lay eggs leave Ex:  Charlie allegedly tried to persuade Marion to leave Hearst and remain with him land Ex:  French success on land continued as Vienna fell in November return Ex:  Upon her return to England in 1721 do Ex:  She didn't do a lot of work—she just slid by . offer Ex:  Tom took Sue up on her offer of dinner . sign Ex:  Genital warts are the only visible sign of HPV in men spare Ex:  In terms of plants Bookstore, it refers Each of spare parts of a Deliveries book published by deal Ex:  Bernard traveled from Flanders to Germany to deal with the problem settle Ex:  He thinks settle pass Ex:  Parliament alone can pass laws relating to pay Ex:  Utility companies, including railroads, pay 10%. add Ex:  The GNOME CUPS Manager can be used to add new CUPS printers throw Ex:  Sowing, throw here and there, spread rustle up make Ex:  I hope my car can make it to the next town . nurse Ex:  When his nurse assured a visitor that he was a little better spread Ex:  Disease was spread through a contaminated water supply. mete out place Ex:  In place of Lear's daughters serve up
As verb : render Ex:  I count on your usual kind as to render me this service give Ex:  Eggs that are long and pointed give more male administer Ex:  Local courts administer customary law. extend Ex:  2002 to yet again extend Karimov's term. accommodate Ex:  Check to make us supper to accommodate us, etc issue Ex:  In a number of locations they issue their own newspapers yield Ex:  tax yield a deficit hand Ex:  No such adjustments were on hand when they faced the redcoats. pour grant Ex:  The average time that is required to complete a grant is about 12 to 14 months. lend Ex:  also said: The money tightens, is afraid to lend money attach Ex:  I do not attach myself that result deliver Ex:  Forced bars, Celles where we do not deliver the prisoners and only end when all the champions of a camp were taken successively by those of the other side allow Ex:  In the 1870s, the old city walls were razed to allow for expansion. pass on Ex:  Set of chess tower, his rock to his king, and the king to pass on the other side of the turn when there is no room between them provide Ex:  The tides provide for some water exchange transmit Ex:  Adult ticks may also transmit disease to humans. put up sit Ex:  Members of the public are forbidden to sit on the red benches settle on proffer ascribe
Suggested : the management of any office, business, or organization direction to hold up support to deal out distribute to present voluntarily and without expecting compensation bestow to cause to be or become make
Exampleदीधना का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(दीधना) deedhana can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. The word is used as Transitive Verb in hindi originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : diidhanaa

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