Meaning of (दुर्देंड) durdeंd in english
As noun : rascal
jack villainous varlet bad Ex:  Treatment of the slaves by their owners was notoriously bad rapscallion savage black Ex:  Once dried, the fruits are called black peppercorns. scalawag scallywag evil Ex:  I evil know the way and I'm not sure to be back knave devil Ex:  I want the devil take me, if irresistible raging Ex:  Enter raging driving Ex:  Hubbard himself was also quoted as driving his people toward financial results. paramount Ex:  Spanish influence was paramount burning Ex:  Chemistry Gas that enters the composition of the atmosphere, but that alone can not maintain breathing or burning preponderant preponderating ruling Ex:  In the Parliament, opposition groups have often clashed with the ruling party
As verb : predominate Ex:  Three styles of architecture predominate in urban Beijing.
As adjective : wicked Ex:  , This is a raging devil, said of a wicked man who makes everything, who does not keep measurement naughty treacherous nasty vehement Ex:  Spirit vehement boisterous violent Ex:  Like Godwin, Proudhon opposed violent revolutionary action. potent vivid Ex:  It says figuratively of things that make a vivid impression and pleasant strong Ex:  Funk Carioca found a strong community following in Brazil. predominant Ex:  The predominant religion in Mongolia is Tibetan Buddhism loud Ex:  Laugh out loud vigorous Ex:  A vigorous drawing drastic Ex:  Louisiana in 2005. Though weather affects people in drastic ways
As adverb : mighty
Suggested : having a cruel, wicked, malicious nature or character disobedient mischievous (used especially in speaking to or about children) any of various portable devices for raising or lifting heavy objects short heights, using various mechanical, pneumatic, or hydraulic methods a base, dishonest, or unscrupulous person evil or morally bad in principle or practice sinful iniquitous
Exampleदुर्देंड का हिन्दी मे अर्थ
Word of the day
(दुर्देंड) durdeंd
can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 8 including consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :