Meaning of (दूरबीन) durabeen,doorabin in english
As noun : binocular Ex:  They also possessed front-facing binocular vision. उ: दूरबीन के विकास में गैलिलिओ का महत्वपूर्ण योग है।
binoculars Ex:  A marine binoculars उ: इन्होंने दूरबीन का आविष्कार किया। telescope Ex:  With a large telescope of 25 cm or wider उ: इसके केवल एक बड़ी दूरबीन से ही देखा जा सकता है। field glasses उ: इसके केवल दूरबीन से ही देखा जा सकता है। loagnette उ: मनुष्य ने दूरबीन के माध्यम से इसे देखा है। glasses Ex:  The glasses are arranged by composition, refractive index, and Abbe number. उ: सूदूर दूरबीन प्रेक्षण शुक्र के बारे में जानकारी का एक अन्य स्रोत है। glass Ex:  Sodium hydroxide slowly reacts with glass to form sodium silicate उ: बोलचाल की भाषा में दूरदर्शी को दूरबीन भी कहते हैं।
Other : field-glass उ: सीढ़ीनुमा गुलाब उद्यान एवं एक दूरबीन यहां के प्रमुख आकर्षण हैं।
Suggested : a hard, brittle, noncrystalline, more or less transparent substance produced by fusion, usually consisting of mutually dissolved silica and silicates that also contain soda and lime, as in the ordinary variety used for windows and bottles a hard, brittle, noncrystalline, more or less transparent substance produced by fusion, usually consisting of mutually dissolved silica and silicates that also contain soda and lime, as in the ordinary variety used for windows and bottles an optical instrument for making distant objects appear larger and therefore nearer One of the two principal forms (refracting telescope) consists essentially of an objective lens set into one end of a tube and an adjustable eyepiece or combination of lenses set into the other end of a tube that slides into the first and through which the enlarged object is viewed directly the other form (reflecting telescope) has a concave mirror that gathers light from the object and focuses it into an adjustable eyepiece or combination of lenses through which the reflection of the object is enlarged and viewed Compare radio telescope Usually, binoculars Also called pair of binoculars, prism binoculars an optical device, providing good depth effect, for use with both eyes, consisting of two small telescopes fitted together side by side, each telescope having two prisms between the eyepiece and objective for erecting the image Usually, binoculars Also called pair of binoculars, prism binoculars an optical device, providing good depth effect, for use with both eyes, consisting of two small telescopes fitted together side by side, each telescope having two prisms between the eyepiece and objective for erecting the image
Exampleदूरबीन का हिन्दी मे अर्थ
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Usage of दूरबीन:
1. ताजमहल में अचनाक गुरुवार शाम उस वक्त हड़कंप मच गया जब बंदूकों और दूरबीन लिए जवान दौड़ते नजर आएlivehindustan.com2. डॉक्टरों ने एक युवती का दूरबीन (लैप्रोस्कोपी) के सहारे उसके आंत से जननांग बनाया है jagran.com3. पैलेस से एक बड़ी दूरबीन के माध्यम से माता के दर्शन प्रतिदिन सिंधिया शासक किया करते थे
(दूरबीन) durabeen,doorabin
can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including consonants matras.
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