Meaning of (देहयात्रा) dehayatra in english
As noun : sustenance
support Ex: With the support of the Athenians nourishment Ex: , The soul needs nourishment as well as Body performance Ex: The performance is usually given in an opera house cuisine Ex: Besides the general cuisine of the Southern United States meal Ex: It was popular to finish the meal with aged cheese and various digestives. dinner Ex: He ralphed up his dinner . meat Ex: Observant Hindus who do eat meat almost always abstain from beef. ration Ex: to ration means Limit, reduce his food, either by necessity or by diet dish Ex: A dish spiced food Ex: Let's get some food into him . fare cheer take out feed Ex: Molting can be induced by extended feed withdrawal eats Ex: From tape that eats diet Ex: Influenced by a fad diet that was popular in the day
As verb : adhere Ex: Expatriates adhere to the law and customs of the UAE, their adopted country. eat Ex: Observant Hindus who do eat meat almost always abstain from beef.
Suggested : a musical, dramatic, or other entertainment presented before an audience something that nourishes food, nutriment, or sustenance to stay attached stick fast cleave cling (usually followed by to ) to bear or hold up (a load, mass, structure, part, etc) serve as a foundation for means of sustaining life nourishment
Word of the day
(देहयात्रा) dehayatra
can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 9 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Feminine gender originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :