Meaning of (द्विजिह्व) dvijihva in english

As noun : indicator Ex:  indicator exceptionable
symptom Ex:  Similarly for each symptom there are different treatment options. index Ex:  2 The 8th to 14th editions included a separate index volume. needle Ex:  It also says a needle case pointer cursor snitcher snitch sneak scandalmongers telltale tattletale tattler back bitter tale teller talebearer tale bearer taleteller backbiter rascal jack villainous varlet bad Ex:  ''It's really getting bad now,'' exclaimed the man . rapscallion savage black Ex:  With their black and yellow livery, Barcelona's taxis are easily spotted. scalawag scallywag evil Ex:  If evil continues as we strive remedy knave devil Ex:  It is a devil, a real devil thief Ex:  Giving the purse to keep thief Entrusting the custody of the money, the care of the expenditure to that which it should have been more wary theft burglar
As verb : obstinate
As adjective : redolent informant symptomatic expressive Ex:  By extension, the looks, the speaking gestures, glances, expressive gestures wicked wicked naughty treacherous nasty
Suggested : a small, slender, rodlike instrument, usually of polished steel, with a sharp point at one end and an eye or hole for thread at the other, for passing thread through cloth to make stitches in sewing having a pleasant odor fragrant (in a nonfiction book, monograph, etc) a more or less detailed alphabetical listing of names, places, and topics along with the numbers of the pages on which they are mentioned or discussed, usually included in or constituting the back matter any phenomenon or circumstance accompanying something and serving as evidence of it a person or thing that indicates
Exampleद्विजिह्व का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(द्विजिह्व) dvijihva can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 9 including consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : dvijihva

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