Meaning of dalana in english
Interpreting dalana - डालना
As noun : drag उ: हर दो-तीन घंटे में पानी डालना होता है।
funnel Ex:  In terms of Metallurgy, he said in a funnel Kind in which ore is poured उ: कार्निया में व्रण हो जाने पर ऐट्रोपीन डालना आवश्यक है। put Ex:  It's time to put our thinking caps on, children . उ: अंत में जीवाश्मों को अच्छी प्रकार जल से धो डालना चाहिए। input Ex:  Neurons modify their properties under the influence of their input signals. उ: चीनी कांटों की एक जोड़ी से दूसरी जोड़ी में खाना नहीं डालना चाहिए। shove Ex:  , A shove उ: केवल नहर के पानी के भरोसे बड़ा बाग लगा डालना उचित नहीं। change Ex:  Another major change to BBC production methods in all areas inflict Ex:  Wakka can inflict negative status effects and accurately strike flying enemies fall on Ex:  It said, in terms of liturgy, the Meeting of Two holidays that fall on the same day climb Ex:  The blood , redness of the face me climb pass Ex:  The Dewan Negara may choose not to pass the bill punch in feed in run Ex:  Usermode programs are run with CPL 3 net Ex:  This trend of net entry reversed over the next forty years due to emigration get Ex:  It's time for me to get along . have Ex:  Loans to farmers have been remitted. trap Ex:  He given into the trap dump put to Ex:  Achaeus was finally captured and put to death put down to drop Ex:  It's also said a drop in the sea , This is very little to add an abundance expose Ex:  Do not expose this vase with jelly, she fêlerait throw Ex:  Instrument, made of rope or leather, with which you throw stones, bullets, etc load Ex:  PaX does not change the load order of libraries. raise Ex:  Any minor injured is entitled to raise the acts he spent in the minority shoot shift Ex:  This may shift the effort to weaker muscles that cannot handle the weight. shake contract Ex:  While many volunteers will actually contract malaria tuck take Ex:  It'll take some doing, but it'll get done . fill Ex:  "How small a thought it takes to fill a whole life! slip feed Ex:  In tracking food animal production from the feed through to the dinner table exchange Ex:  In 2006 the GDP per capita of French Guiana at real exchange rates pick lay Ex:  Larger animals may lay eggs as many as three times per summer thread Ex:  Follow the thread of his ideas insertion punch into fuel Ex:  His teaching provided fuel for later theology.
As verb : bury Ex:  To bury the bodies उ: इसलिए कहा जाता है कि नदी में सिक्के डालना शुभ है। fling उ: कलश में पैसा डालना त्याग का प्रतीक भी माना जाता है। cast Ex:  The main cast was the same as the original radio series उ: इसके सदस्यों को मोर के पद-चिह्नों पर पैर डालना मना था। project Ex:  I don't think I can finish this project in time . enter Ex:  When trains enter or leave LGVs from lignes classiques set aside Ex:  It set aside Antarctica as a scientific preserve stir up
Other : to drop Ex:  Shake dust of a garment, a garment Shake to drop the dust that covers the to pour to put in Ex:  , Having nothing to put in their mouths, Nothing to eat, not having enough to live on to thrust to thrust in sink send Ex:  Hitler had already signed the order to send troops into Austria at one o'clock
Suggested : to move or place (anything) so as to get it into or out of a specific location or position a cone-shaped utensil with a tube at the apex for conducting liquid or other substance through a small opening, as into a bottle, jug, or the like to throw , cast, or hurl with force or violence to put in the ground and cover with earth to draw with force , effort, or difficulty pull heavily or slowly along haul trail
Exampleडालना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of dalana Antonyms of dalana
Word of the day
Usage of डालना:
1. इंग्लैंड की दूसरी पारी में अपने करियर का 30वां शतक जड़ने वाले एलिस्टेयर कुक ने कहा कि भारत को पांच मैचों की सीरीज के पहले मैच से ही दबाव में डालना महत्वपूर्ण हैlivehindustan.com2. इंग्लैंड की दूसरी पारी में अपने करियर का 30वां शतक जड़ने वाले एलिस्टेयर कुक ने कहा कि भारत को पांच मैचों की सीरीज के पहले मैच से ही दबाव में डालना महत्वपूर्ण हैlivehindustan.com3. अब इस बात की आदत डालना चाहते हैं विराट कोहली! ibnlive.comRelated words :As verb : डालना{अन्दर या बीच में} - insert
can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. The word is used as Transitive Verb in hindi originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :